what i do

I’ve been crafting copy in various formats for over 20 years, from smart-arse captions in niche film magazines to banner ads for tech firms to radio scripts for financial behemoths.

I've written long-form copy for international magazines, newspapers and major brands, including Esquire, TalkSport, Dollar Shave Club, Virgin Media and Heathrow airport.

I've tackled creative briefs for Direct Line, Toyota, Visa, ASDA, HSBC, Samsung, Lexus, Deutsche Telekom, Pampers, Head & Shoulders, Krusovice, HomeAway, Anchor and Rekorderlig, among others. (Will add more here when i find them)

I freelance for Wunderman-Thompson (Lexus and Samsung) and Nash (the "smart alternative for your everyday finances"). I also write short-form copy for Hummel, compile Magbooks for Dennis Publishing (now Future) and have just finished my first children's book (it's about chickens and will be published by Pegasus Publishers).

I was shortlisted for ‘Best Use of Twitter’ at the UK Social Media Awards following the Visa 2014 World Cup campaign.

I won Gold at the DMA Awards 2018 for a personalised video from Direct Line.